Friday, March 7, 2008


I am so excited I am meeting my oldest and dearest friend, whom I havent seen in over a year! We are spending the weekend at a womens conference...she has always been the one who knows EVERYTHING, good and bad about me, and NEVER judges...she has always been the one I could tell anything too and she helps me put it into perspective...There are so many things going on lately in my life that i dont understand, and i am so looking forward to being able to talk to each other and work through all these issues that plague me...and i know she has many obstacles and stresses she's been dealing with that she needs to get off her will be an emotional weekend, but i know how much better i will feel when it's over....

She is dealing with so much, supporting her entire family, step kids who i know she loves with all her heart, but who present her with so many challenges, i know she stresses about, I cant even imagine what she goes through daily. She has a beautiful boy, who holds all her hopes and dreams, he is a very special little smart, so handsome and loves his mommy with all that he is.

we were talking yesterday, and realized we have been friends for 25 strange to have a friend that long...and not feel old enough to have a friend that long...

so once i get everyone packed and i go tomorrow morning...(again with the mornings...yikes!!!)

1 comment:

~Lisa~ said...

Dang. How old did you say you were?! LOL!

I know, I know. Younger than me, right?