Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Oh my sweet Lord....

my mads has a "date" today...ok, she is only 13, and it's not an alone date...i'm not that foolish...they are meeting at a track meet...but "meeting at a track meet" YIKES!!! I dont know if Im ready for this...but here it is!

This is that part of a mom's life when you are desperately hoping that all that you've taught or tried to teach your child, has actually sunk in...

She got up extra early to shower and get "ready", this from my girl who always puts her hair in a pony tail and hustles out the door! I just pray, beg, pray that God will continue his watch on my precious girl...


Greg said...

I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about mother-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Mom's Little Angel.

Gregory E. Lang
Author of “Daddy’s Little Girl,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Dad,” “Why a Daughter Needs a Mom” and more.

~Lisa~ said...

Sooooo, how'd it go? :)

I am so not ready for that either, but I've got awhile to go!