ok, i despise the little creatures, i do...sorry mouse lovers out there...
but they are little and have beady eyes and unfortuntately they like my house becasue i live on a farm...and for you city people, this doesnt mean my house is dirty, it means i live on a farm thus we have mice...

ok, so this winter has been the coldest, nastiest, and weirdest (ok, i dont know if that is a word or not...but whatever) on record or at least for as long as i can remember...

anyway, so it's cold right, so we have a mouse every once in a while...they come in to keep warm...sooooo
That day, i had on my mommy hat and wanted to teach the children that we needed to be kind to God's creatures, even though they freak me out...so i first bought the live traps...and caught the little bugger on the first or second try right...so i make DH take it outside and let it go...BUT...I swear, he came right back like a little scary vacation for the little bugger...
so i explain to the kids that this didnt work and i was getting another kind of trap, aka: the glue trap.
The little buggers get stuck and that's that...except when i caught him...he was making all these horrible noises and DH said "ok smarty...you realize what i have to do now..." and no, i didnt realize this...he had to take it outside and SMACK IT on the pavement to kill it, then dispose of it...YUK! I was not witnessing this...

So, at least i got him right????? Oh no.......he has friends.....
...so i go to the store and buy at least 100 glue traps (ok, so maybe it was 10, but still) we set them out and in the morning...we were awoken by "MOMMMMMMMMMM....." OK, assumming we had caught one and Scootie saw it or something along those lines...but no, she stepped on a glue trap...and was TRAPPED!!!! or at least her sock was...so throw out the sock and wash her foot and begin plotting on how to do away with these little vermin.....
Dh and I discuss it at length and he decides (cause i'm not touching anything remotely having anything to do with a mouse) that he will go back to the tried and true SNAP trap...he sets it...and we wait.....
and wait
and wait.....
Got him!!! and his brother, and his sister and i think his dad....4 in all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Victorious!!!!! Havent seen one since! I'll show those mices....:)
the kids come in and want to watch the movie.....You know the one...

AND NOW.....they want to have a funeral and proper burial for the entire "MICE" (mouse?) family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So i begin to realize the horrible truth... I am a mouse killer.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who knows that little cute cuddly little guy ...(or his mom or sister or dad) could have been a great chef....!!!!!
ps. They even named them...ugh!
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