My T-man...I think a son has a special place in a mom's heart...he is the most energetic boy...and has such a loving and kind heart...I dont know what I did do deserve such a wonderful boy...but i'm not questioning it...
He just became a "boy" scout...graduated from "cub" scouts...I wasnt ready for that one...Doing everything on his own...hardly needs his mom anymore...but for a 10 yr old, he will still hug me in public and I told him we could come up with a code for "i love you", so he wouldn't be embarrassed in front of his friends...and he said there was no need for a code...he would always love me and isnt embarrassed! What a guy!
I had to blog this so i dont forget it...although it was a few years ago...a little history...tman is a very inquisitive kid and always wants to know how to do things...how things work...how to take them apart, from age 3 they knew him in the ER like they always knew Norm from Cheers...let's see, there was:
the broken foot from pretending to be superman jumping off the back of the couch
the $600 eraser stuck up his nose....
so anyway...
It was a warm sunday afternoon, and dh and i were napping on and off on the couch and the kids were playing, so ds went to his room he said to play with his legos..HOWEVER....what i didnt see was that he had a pipe cleaner in his hand...
A few minutes later we heard a LOUD "POP" and a very scared voice...."Mommmmmmmmmmmm", I jumped up and met him on the stairs seeing to my dismay...a very terrified expression on his face and a smokin pipe cleaner in his hand partially melted to his thumb...there were no tears "yet", and i asked him 1st if he was ok...and he was, sorta, then i asked him what in the world happened...(thank goodness the shock tripped the breaker...or I dont even want to know what would have happened...)
tman says..."you see mom, i was walking with the pipecleaner...and i tripped and it went right in the electrical outlet"...
ok..."yeah right"
tman...i asked in my most patient, terrified mom voice: "so what REALLY HAPPENED????"
His face drops, chin to chest and he said "I stuck it in there and wanted to see what happened..."
so i asked him...what happened? and he said "IT WAS "so cool"...sparks and everything ...
"BUT that was only for a second and then...IT SHOCKED ME....i REALLY HURT!!!!!!!! I didnt like it at all" he said...
Boys...gotta love them...we then had a very long talk about electricity and what it can do...
1 comment:
Lol! I hope he's learned that he has to come up with something better than "so I was walking with the pipecleaner...." That stinker!
I would've been scared to death and thought about it for weeks afterwards! Yikes!
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