the end of school business took us in a whirlwind.
First we took a trip out to my parents...always an interesting, somewhat depressing, visit....Long story, {sigh}
Anyway, the kids enjoyed themselves! I have such happy memories from when I was a kid, it's just the recent past that tends to catch up when we are there...and having a 30 yr old sister who lives at home and wont let us enjoy a visit without being extremely difficult...anyway I digress...
This is the tree where my mom and I used to sit and have lunch when I was little...we'd take nature walks when the area where they now live was just a huge pasture full of wild flowers and grass...

It's seen better days...but it's still special to me!
While we were there my tman learned to hit a golf ball.....and does it extremely well to my surprise, I told him we'd learn AFTER baseball season! :)
So after playing outside for a little while Scoot walked around to the back of the property where my dad has an old Minnapolis Moline grater for the drive way...and scoot pipes up and says:
"Nana, what is a Millapalis Moley????" My mom responds, "well I'm not quite sure Scoot".
So Scoot points to it, and gives us all a good laugh!"
(guess you have to be there for that one...but it is funny!)
Then came time for girl scout PA (program assistant training) for the teens was a wonderful couple days camping in one of the most beautiful parks I've ever seen...and close to home...then only downside was it hit 35 degrees at night...and we all froze, but getting up early to cook and eat eggs in a bag (you put your eggs and fixin's in a Ziploc bag, put that bag in another bag and drop it into boiling water over the's yummy! We had a great weekend!

Ok, so after that it was concert time...first Band

and then Chorus...

First we took a trip out to my parents...always an interesting, somewhat depressing, visit....Long story, {sigh}
Anyway, the kids enjoyed themselves! I have such happy memories from when I was a kid, it's just the recent past that tends to catch up when we are there...and having a 30 yr old sister who lives at home and wont let us enjoy a visit without being extremely difficult...anyway I digress...
This is the tree where my mom and I used to sit and have lunch when I was little...we'd take nature walks when the area where they now live was just a huge pasture full of wild flowers and grass...

It's seen better days...but it's still special to me!
While we were there my tman learned to hit a golf ball.....and does it extremely well to my surprise, I told him we'd learn AFTER baseball season! :)
So after playing outside for a little while Scoot walked around to the back of the property where my dad has an old Minnapolis Moline grater for the drive way...and scoot pipes up and says:

(guess you have to be there for that one...but it is funny!)
Then came time for girl scout PA (program assistant training) for the teens was a wonderful couple days camping in one of the most beautiful parks I've ever seen...and close to home...then only downside was it hit 35 degrees at night...and we all froze, but getting up early to cook and eat eggs in a bag (you put your eggs and fixin's in a Ziploc bag, put that bag in another bag and drop it into boiling water over the's yummy! We had a great weekend!

Ok, so after that it was concert time...first Band

and then Chorus...

It was wonderful!!!!! We are blessed with two very wonderful teachers in these areas...and I was such a proud momma!!!
I'm also in charge of the yearbook, so I had to get in front for pictures, so i sit down in the center aisle on my knees and get some great shots!!!!!!! It was all wonderful until it came time to get up! My 40 yr old knees didn't want to cooperate and I had to get help from a gentleman to my left...

It's heck to get old!!!!!!!
Then came time to mow the yard...a usually easy task, right???? Well not at our house! I went out to (what I found out later) our 30 year old John Deere to do the usual seasonal tuneups (yes, i know how to do dad was a mechanic) anyway...after changing the oil, cleaning the spark plug, checking the hoses, etc. My new tires last year...had gone completely flat (fixed after 3 trips to the tire place-yikes!) so I go to pull the ripcord...and after 4 pulls, it BREAKS!!!!!!!!!! the John Deere Dealer...and told them to take it away and not bring it back until it ran! So, after 3 days, long grass...I was able to spend my time (4 hours) mowing the lawn (one of my favorite things to do...yes, i know I'm weird...but so what?) It's definitely old, but as they say..."Nothing runs like a Deere!"

Cock-a-doodle-do is right!!!!

That city never ceases to take my breath away....

And yes...I did take that picture! It was so incredible!!!
We visited the aquarium and the Brookfield Zoo...Mads had such fun with her friends...It's really interesting to watch teenagers interact...

So, we spend the day in Chicago, and a friend of mine and I had to head back early for a function that nigh

And yes...I did take that picture! It was so incredible!!!
We visited the aquarium and the Brookfield Zoo...Mads had such fun with her friends...It's really interesting to watch teenagers interact...

So, we spend the day in Chicago, and a friend of mine and I had to head back early for a function that nigh
...with a driver who had never driven in Chicago traffic! But i must say he did very well!
The evening girl scout function went really well...we have a beautiful park in our city and the girls were able to bridge over the beautiful turned out perfect!

The evening girl scout function went really well...we have a beautiful park in our city and the girls were able to bridge over the beautiful turned out perfect!

We ended the evening with the girls planting flowers to take home and had such a great time!
Yesterday was Track and field day.and quite chilly..and this year they changed things up to an all school (k-6) Olympic Day! Each class was a different country and the 6th grade were in charge of mascots and timing the events! It was an incredible day! They even released doves!!!! (ok, homing pigeons...but it was COOL!!!) and had a torch (our friends son, who won 7th grade state title for pole vault lit the torch!!!)

He's 10 and thinks he's a gangster...i keep telling him,
"if your mom drops you off at school in a not a gangster...! But it could be so much worse... He's such a good boy!!! (for real, he is...)
and my mads...selling water for the music boosters..
So that brings me to last night! We were invited to go to a friends farm and go "shroomin'" It's a big thing here to go hunting for Morrell mushrooms.

I was victorious!!! I found a total of 2. Yes's late in the season, but it was fun anyway! When we got back to the house, we were able to cut rhubarb and asparagus, and our buddy came out of the house with a big bag of the fungi for us to add to our measly 2. So tonight it's pork chops, fresh asparagus and fried mushrooms for supper!
Well, that catches me up to date...I am just so thankful for such a beautiful family and all the adventures we go on together! I did forget to mention, we flew kites and played catch in the backyard...since two of my three are playing baseball this summer!!! I cant wait!

I was victorious!!! I found a total of 2. Yes's late in the season, but it was fun anyway! When we got back to the house, we were able to cut rhubarb and asparagus, and our buddy came out of the house with a big bag of the fungi for us to add to our measly 2. So tonight it's pork chops, fresh asparagus and fried mushrooms for supper!
Well, that catches me up to date...I am just so thankful for such a beautiful family and all the adventures we go on together! I did forget to mention, we flew kites and played catch in the backyard...since two of my three are playing baseball this summer!!! I cant wait!
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