Friday, March 7, 2008


Ok, oh was meeting good friend Lisa, describes me at these meetings as the "red headed step child" which is soooooo true. I just wish when i spoke, i was heard...I know i need to do something about it, but what? I'm not one of those "arguers" (ok, im not a speller either), just go with the flow and blog about it later....

Lisa listens and backs me up, which is the best feeling in the world...but, i keep wondering, why am i actually there...

This one has me puzzled...I dont want to get too specific, but I wonder am i wasting my time...there seems to be so many agendas except the one in which we are there for, just for the record though, there are a few that are there for the right reasons...but this seems to get overshadowed by the other agendas...

oh well, i dont know even how to put it into words, I'll just leave this one as one of those things that might never be solved...

1 comment:

~Lisa~ said... comment.

Did I give you permission to use my name in conjunction with these meetings?! I think not.

Pfffffghhhh. (that's me sticking my tongue out at you)