Monday, March 31, 2008
Love this blogging.....
I must add this last line before heading to the couch for the night...A BIG BIG thanks to my great friend "L" for turning me on to this blogging thing...i'm not near the wonderful writer she is...but I am really loving it! So thank you "L" for all your encouragment and friendship!!! I'd be lost without ya!!!
my scootie...

this is my Scootie..with her weather journal...she was so proud!!! A meat or ologist (as she put it) came to their class, she was so excited!!!
Such a good girl...just had to share!!! we had fun tonight snuggling on the couch and telling each other jokes out of a book she has...
Her favorite: Why did the little baby snake start crying??? cause he lost his rattle lol...i'm such a lucky mommy!
Heely's who came up with this one?
ok...i was the mom who swore up and down my kids would never own a pair of these death traps...(ok, to me)...but lo and behold, my dh told them if they could save half the cost of them they could have them...and the little buggers did all three of my in tact (for the moment) kids have them...until TODAY!!!
my dd, scoot...was on the bus playing with one of the wheels and someone (she said) took it...the someone shall remain nameless although he is a stinker...took one because supposedly she was being "annoying"...whatever that means...a 7 yr old is probably always annoying to a 13 year old now she is minus one heely (the rollerblade part) and mom has to make the his mom...who is my friend, which makes it all the more tricky. I'm going to sleep on it first and get all the "facts" from the bus driver in the morning...
But what i would like to know is what kind of person invents something that can harm our children...ok, so i'm probably overreacting...but upon researching (ok, i googled it) AND drum roll please... croc injuries came up...who would have thought???
I typed in “Crocs” and “injury” and over 309,000 hits were returned. When I added “escalator” it was still almost 37,000 results. Is this acceptable? Not to me. However, when I replaced the word “Crocs” with “Sneaker” the results went up. So, does this mean all shoes pose a hazard on escalators? Well, use your common sense. Crocs have been on the market for just a fraction of the time that sneakers have, and yet the injuries with Crocs are snowballing.
so i tried again...and the good ole weekly reader had this to say:
Are roller shoes a hazard to kids' health?
last summer Noah Woelfel, of Davidsonville, Maryland, took his wheeled sneakers out for a spin in his family's driveway. But when a piece of gravel became lodged in the wheel of one of his shoes, the nine-year-old lost his balance and fell. He broke several fingers and wrist bones in his right hand. "He required surgery and pins [in his bones]," says his mother, Nancy, "and he was six weeks without using his hand, right at the beginning of school." Noah was wearing Heelys. The trendy shoes look like sneakers, but they have wheel sockets in each heel. Heelys can be used for walking, but the wheels pop out when users shift their weight to their heels. This sends kids cruising down sidewalks, school campuses, and skate parks. Heelys are sold in 70 countries. Since their arrival in 2000, about 4.5 million pairs have been sold. And, according to one new study, the shoes are also sending hundreds of kids to the hospital.
Critical Thinking Questions
Do you think kids should continue to wear Heelys? Why or why not?
What are some other ways you and your friends can stay safe this summer? In 2006, accidents from Heelys and other roller-shoe brands contributed to about 1,600 emergency room visits. According to a safety group called the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, most of those injuries involved children like Noah.
-->Doctors across the world have reported treating broken wrists, arms, and ankles. Some have seen dislocated elbows and even cracked skulls in children injured while wearing the roller shoes. One hospital in Dublin, Ireland, reports treating 67 injuries from roller shoes in a single 10-week period. Dr. James Beaty is the president of an organization which recently released safety guidelines for wearing Heelys. "As these shoes are sold in department stores, parents buying them may develop a false sense of security that they are like any other shoe," he says. "Roller shoes are very similar to being on Rollerblades or in-line skates, and protective gear should be worn at all times." Kids who wear roller shoes should wear a helmet, wrist protectors, and knee and elbow pads. Beaty says 'heelers' should also learn how to stop properly and heel only on smooth surfaces, away from traffic. The manufacturers of Heelys insist the shoes are safer than other wheeled sports, such as skateboarding and in-line skating. "Heelys wheeled footwear is a relatively new and unique sport," says Heelys CEO Mike Staffaroni. "Just like any sport, knowing the proper way to use Heelys is the key to fun and safety."
Need i say more? Lord knows i've said enough...
my dd, scoot...was on the bus playing with one of the wheels and someone (she said) took it...the someone shall remain nameless although he is a stinker...took one because supposedly she was being "annoying"...whatever that means...a 7 yr old is probably always annoying to a 13 year old now she is minus one heely (the rollerblade part) and mom has to make the his mom...who is my friend, which makes it all the more tricky. I'm going to sleep on it first and get all the "facts" from the bus driver in the morning...
But what i would like to know is what kind of person invents something that can harm our children...ok, so i'm probably overreacting...but upon researching (ok, i googled it) AND drum roll please... croc injuries came up...who would have thought???
I typed in “Crocs” and “injury” and over 309,000 hits were returned. When I added “escalator” it was still almost 37,000 results. Is this acceptable? Not to me. However, when I replaced the word “Crocs” with “Sneaker” the results went up. So, does this mean all shoes pose a hazard on escalators? Well, use your common sense. Crocs have been on the market for just a fraction of the time that sneakers have, and yet the injuries with Crocs are snowballing.
so i tried again...and the good ole weekly reader had this to say:
Are roller shoes a hazard to kids' health?
last summer Noah Woelfel, of Davidsonville, Maryland, took his wheeled sneakers out for a spin in his family's driveway. But when a piece of gravel became lodged in the wheel of one of his shoes, the nine-year-old lost his balance and fell. He broke several fingers and wrist bones in his right hand. "He required surgery and pins [in his bones]," says his mother, Nancy, "and he was six weeks without using his hand, right at the beginning of school." Noah was wearing Heelys. The trendy shoes look like sneakers, but they have wheel sockets in each heel. Heelys can be used for walking, but the wheels pop out when users shift their weight to their heels. This sends kids cruising down sidewalks, school campuses, and skate parks. Heelys are sold in 70 countries. Since their arrival in 2000, about 4.5 million pairs have been sold. And, according to one new study, the shoes are also sending hundreds of kids to the hospital.
Critical Thinking Questions
Do you think kids should continue to wear Heelys? Why or why not?
What are some other ways you and your friends can stay safe this summer? In 2006, accidents from Heelys and other roller-shoe brands contributed to about 1,600 emergency room visits. According to a safety group called the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, most of those injuries involved children like Noah.
-->Doctors across the world have reported treating broken wrists, arms, and ankles. Some have seen dislocated elbows and even cracked skulls in children injured while wearing the roller shoes. One hospital in Dublin, Ireland, reports treating 67 injuries from roller shoes in a single 10-week period. Dr. James Beaty is the president of an organization which recently released safety guidelines for wearing Heelys. "As these shoes are sold in department stores, parents buying them may develop a false sense of security that they are like any other shoe," he says. "Roller shoes are very similar to being on Rollerblades or in-line skates, and protective gear should be worn at all times." Kids who wear roller shoes should wear a helmet, wrist protectors, and knee and elbow pads. Beaty says 'heelers' should also learn how to stop properly and heel only on smooth surfaces, away from traffic. The manufacturers of Heelys insist the shoes are safer than other wheeled sports, such as skateboarding and in-line skating. "Heelys wheeled footwear is a relatively new and unique sport," says Heelys CEO Mike Staffaroni. "Just like any sport, knowing the proper way to use Heelys is the key to fun and safety."
Need i say more? Lord knows i've said enough...
I cant believe what a whiner i can be...i'm just so cranky today...then to top it off, our coffee maker quit working, so hubby calls the manufacturer...and they fall all over themselves promising to replace it...but I GET TO DEAL WITH, the guy calls and applogizes for all the problem...tells me the 48 steps i need to take to get a refund check from them, because these certain coffee makers were recalled...due TO CATCHING ON FIRE! i have to take all these steps and then I will get a refund IN 4 TO 6 WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEKS...not days, WEEKS...and they call themselves CUSTOMER SERVICE...that is not service,
4-6 weeks is time enough to do the following:
to get a midterm report from your childs school
for spring to spring...after that blasted groundhog sees or doesnt see his shadow...
for my hair to grow out and show the grey roots
a toddler to learn to walk or to be potty trained
a summer to be half over
a broken bone to heal
recover from major surgery
my garden to be planted and the plants to be growing
my son to grow 2 inches
ok, so you get my point...pitiful...
4-6 weeks is time enough to do the following:
to get a midterm report from your childs school
for spring to spring...after that blasted groundhog sees or doesnt see his shadow...
for my hair to grow out and show the grey roots
a toddler to learn to walk or to be potty trained
a summer to be half over
a broken bone to heal
recover from major surgery
my garden to be planted and the plants to be growing
my son to grow 2 inches
ok, so you get my point...pitiful...
Get moving....
ok, so in the last post i was feeling sorry for myself.(it was so pitiful...i deleted it) Im going to do something about it...i'm going to make a list...try and accomplish something today, that will have to make me quit wallowing right?...ok...i vow I will do 3 loads of laundry and perhaps...something else...who knows....Lord help me...
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Last night was Magnificient! I was able to share my reading, and I pray that it touched at least one person...for that it is worth it! And to top off my night, my very good friend "L" (who will now be referred to with her initial ONLY, just to be respectful :) was not feeling well, still came to support me....How blessed am I? WOW!
I think we were able to share the message of ridding ourselves of the madness in our lives...our turnout was smaller, but with the day change, we expected it's all good.
To add to the evening, when i returned home... I had told my son there was a song i heard last weekend at Hearts, "You'll always be my son" by Cheri Keegy, I wanted to play for him...(he's sentimental like his momma); I brought up her myspace page and the song boy sat down on my lap (a treat for a mom of a 10 yr old) and put his arm around me and i began to sing along, he squeezed me a little tighter...and we shared in the song's message...what a God moment....
I think we were able to share the message of ridding ourselves of the madness in our lives...our turnout was smaller, but with the day change, we expected it's all good.
To add to the evening, when i returned home... I had told my son there was a song i heard last weekend at Hearts, "You'll always be my son" by Cheri Keegy, I wanted to play for him...(he's sentimental like his momma); I brought up her myspace page and the song boy sat down on my lap (a treat for a mom of a 10 yr old) and put his arm around me and i began to sing along, he squeezed me a little tighter...and we shared in the song's message...what a God moment....
New Job!
Oh, God is SO good!!!! It took me hitting my knees to pray (duh) and God changed everything, as he seems to do....all we have to do is talk to Him! I released all my worry and anxiety about working to HIM, and he provided, as only he can do! Then, just because He can, he threw in some bonuses!
I start this morning with orientation for my new job! I am nervous, yet not as much as i used to be when starting a new job, because I believe this one is ordained by the man upstairs! I couldnt figure out why i wasnt getting the other jobs i had applied for, and looking back, I believe that He had the best one waiting for me....
I just need to remember to keep on praying!!!
I start this morning with orientation for my new job! I am nervous, yet not as much as i used to be when starting a new job, because I believe this one is ordained by the man upstairs! I couldnt figure out why i wasnt getting the other jobs i had applied for, and looking back, I believe that He had the best one waiting for me....
I just need to remember to keep on praying!!!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
here i go again
ok, i go again (isnt that how that scorpions song goes???) another job we'll see i guess...I need to be working at least part-time, i have realized that by being out and working i dont get so introspective, too intospective if you ask me...i reread some of my postings and i bet anyone who reads them thinks i'm such a whiner...i feel like one lately...i think i'm in a funk...
Here it was a beautiful day, and i havent went out of the house once....pitiful, although i did get some beading done, and cleaning so thats something i guess...
5pm we will see how this one goes, i just dont want to be disappointed again, but I vowed to let the Lord lead we'll see where my journey takes me.....
Here it was a beautiful day, and i havent went out of the house once....pitiful, although i did get some beading done, and cleaning so thats something i guess...
5pm we will see how this one goes, i just dont want to be disappointed again, but I vowed to let the Lord lead we'll see where my journey takes me.....
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I just dont get it....
ok, so we all make mistakes right? Sometimes very bad mistakes...but isn't that what makes us human? I just dont understand why some people take joy in others mistakes? those who know me know i made a "giaganto" one, I fell hard and learned a lot through all, and hope i am a better person for having gone through it...and it was over 2 yrs ago...but my question is WHY...certain people, and they so know who they are, not only take joy in them, but take it one step further to gossip about that person behind their back...I have never understood malicious gossip, i admit to sometimes asking someone "what's up with this or that" or "is it true that...whatever happened" but i dont run to tell anyone who will listen...especially something that might hurt that person or their family, further by spreadding it all over our small town...
And the kicker to this situation, is that the one doing all the "spreading" claims to be such a christian woman...what is up with that? I was always taught and believe deep in my soul that if someone has to tell you what a great christian they are...then there in lies a problem...
I know that God will judge them in the end...but it is so hard going through a situation like this...i'm trying to forgive, truly...but how many times do you just roll over and take it? To even go and confront this person, would do no good...of this I am sure...
But the upside is that i have found out who my true friends really are...
And the kicker to this situation, is that the one doing all the "spreading" claims to be such a christian woman...what is up with that? I was always taught and believe deep in my soul that if someone has to tell you what a great christian they are...then there in lies a problem...
I know that God will judge them in the end...but it is so hard going through a situation like this...i'm trying to forgive, truly...but how many times do you just roll over and take it? To even go and confront this person, would do no good...of this I am sure...
But the upside is that i have found out who my true friends really are...
Prayers and an Epiphany
I seem to be driving myself crazy, trying to figure out how to balance everything…
Kids activities; family activities; church activities; school activities
Homework, housework,
The Checkbook…..
There never seems to be enough time or money….
Now that I’ve lost my job…and You know how I worry about having enough….
Lord, that worry that seems to engulf me…
I know you have a plan for me…for our family and I know you are always watching over us, Lord making sure we have everything we NEED,
BUT what do I do as a mom about all the WANTS….
I know life shouldn’t be about things…I get that…but when the kids come to me and say…
"But all my friends have them…can’t we just buy one of those…why can’t I go on that trip, to that concert…
I feel so lost Lord, …what am I doing wrong?
I know in my soul that you have a plan for us Lord,
In Proverbs 19:21 It is said "Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails."
YOU have everything planned for us…
But Lord, how do I get passed this madness, all the running around in so many different directions
When all I want to do is run to you…
I feel so lost…but I know you’ll never leave me…
In Luke 15:4 It says "If one of you has a hundred sheep and one is lost, don’t you leave your 99 to search, until you find it?"
I try to hide sometimes Lord, but I know you will always find me Lord,
I just want to stop all this madness, and
LET YOU lead me Lord…
Father God
I am down…really down, I put on my happy face…so no one can see… my sadness…I feel like I have failed, failed you, failed my family…failed myself. Just the other day, I was really feeling worn out, by finances, by the lack of ability to find a job, by life itself…the madness that keeps swirling through my heart and head…
So I logged onto the internet, to try and blank out that madness…
and I experienced, what my mom has always called "God moments" which I KNOW, is you Lord. As I was surfing, I discovered the message you had for me…in a song..…..
The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I don’t know the reason why you brought me here
But just because you love me the way that you do
I’m gonna walk through the valley
If you want me too
Cause I’m not who I was
When I took my first step
And I’m clinging to the promise you’re not through with me yet
So if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will go through the fire
If you want me too
It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that’s not my home
But you never said it would be easy
You only said I’d never go alone
So when the whole world turns against me
An I’m all by myself
And I can’t hear you answer my cries for help
I’ll remember the suffering your love put you through
And I will go through the valley
If you want me too
If You Want Me Too
By Ginny Owens
Lord, I’ll keep walking the path you have laid out for me…please don’t let go…
---Another "God moment" Lord…you are truly amazing!!! I should have known you reach out to us even through email ...a very good friend of mine, an angel of yours, sent me this…
It read:
"Concentrate on this sentence
’To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did’ When God takes something from your grasp, He’s not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Concentrate on this sentence.....
’The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.’
Something good will happen to you today.
Something that you have been waiting to hear."
Well Lord…my attitude is changing…
You’re breaking through this madness…
I’m beginning to realize that
If I just release my worry, my sadness to you…
I can see past it, and to my amazement…
Something good happens to me everyday…
I wake up…and if I just look… I can see the beauty outside my very own window…
the very breath in my healthy (ok relatively) healthy body…
The Everyday hugs and a kisses from my three beautiful children…… every moment I have with them is a blessing… everyday, every hour…
The many women, I am blessed with as friends…
The miracle mom you gave me…
The loving and supportive husband you blessed me with…
I could go on and on Lord…
I seem to be driving myself crazy, trying to figure out how to balance everything…
Kids activities; family activities; church activities; school activities
Homework, housework,
The Checkbook…..
There never seems to be enough time or money….
Now that I’ve lost my job…and You know how I worry about having enough….
Lord, that worry that seems to engulf me…
I know you have a plan for me…for our family and I know you are always watching over us, Lord making sure we have everything we NEED,
BUT what do I do as a mom about all the WANTS….
I know life shouldn’t be about things…I get that…but when the kids come to me and say…
"But all my friends have them…can’t we just buy one of those…why can’t I go on that trip, to that concert…
I feel so lost Lord, …what am I doing wrong?
I know in my soul that you have a plan for us Lord,
In Proverbs 19:21 It is said "Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails."
YOU have everything planned for us…
But Lord, how do I get passed this madness, all the running around in so many different directions
When all I want to do is run to you…
I feel so lost…but I know you’ll never leave me…
In Luke 15:4 It says "If one of you has a hundred sheep and one is lost, don’t you leave your 99 to search, until you find it?"
I try to hide sometimes Lord, but I know you will always find me Lord,
I just want to stop all this madness, and
LET YOU lead me Lord…
Father God
I am down…really down, I put on my happy face…so no one can see… my sadness…I feel like I have failed, failed you, failed my family…failed myself. Just the other day, I was really feeling worn out, by finances, by the lack of ability to find a job, by life itself…the madness that keeps swirling through my heart and head…
So I logged onto the internet, to try and blank out that madness…
and I experienced, what my mom has always called "God moments" which I KNOW, is you Lord. As I was surfing, I discovered the message you had for me…in a song..…..
The pathway is broken
And the signs are unclear
And I don’t know the reason why you brought me here
But just because you love me the way that you do
I’m gonna walk through the valley
If you want me too
Cause I’m not who I was
When I took my first step
And I’m clinging to the promise you’re not through with me yet
So if all of these trials bring me closer to you
Then I will go through the fire
If you want me too
It may not be the way I would have chosen
When you lead me through a world that’s not my home
But you never said it would be easy
You only said I’d never go alone
So when the whole world turns against me
An I’m all by myself
And I can’t hear you answer my cries for help
I’ll remember the suffering your love put you through
And I will go through the valley
If you want me too
If You Want Me Too
By Ginny Owens
Lord, I’ll keep walking the path you have laid out for me…please don’t let go…
---Another "God moment" Lord…you are truly amazing!!! I should have known you reach out to us even through email ...a very good friend of mine, an angel of yours, sent me this…
It read:
"Concentrate on this sentence
’To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did’ When God takes something from your grasp, He’s not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Concentrate on this sentence.....
’The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.’
Something good will happen to you today.
Something that you have been waiting to hear."
Well Lord…my attitude is changing…
You’re breaking through this madness…
I’m beginning to realize that
If I just release my worry, my sadness to you…
I can see past it, and to my amazement…
Something good happens to me everyday…
I wake up…and if I just look… I can see the beauty outside my very own window…
the very breath in my healthy (ok relatively) healthy body…
The Everyday hugs and a kisses from my three beautiful children…… every moment I have with them is a blessing… everyday, every hour…
The many women, I am blessed with as friends…
The miracle mom you gave me…
The loving and supportive husband you blessed me with…
I could go on and on Lord…
Friday, March 7, 2008
I am so excited I am meeting my oldest and dearest friend, whom I havent seen in over a year! We are spending the weekend at a womens conference...she has always been the one who knows EVERYTHING, good and bad about me, and NEVER judges...she has always been the one I could tell anything too and she helps me put it into perspective...There are so many things going on lately in my life that i dont understand, and i am so looking forward to being able to talk to each other and work through all these issues that plague me...and i know she has many obstacles and stresses she's been dealing with that she needs to get off her will be an emotional weekend, but i know how much better i will feel when it's over....
She is dealing with so much, supporting her entire family, step kids who i know she loves with all her heart, but who present her with so many challenges, i know she stresses about, I cant even imagine what she goes through daily. She has a beautiful boy, who holds all her hopes and dreams, he is a very special little smart, so handsome and loves his mommy with all that he is.
we were talking yesterday, and realized we have been friends for 25 strange to have a friend that long...and not feel old enough to have a friend that long...
so once i get everyone packed and i go tomorrow morning...(again with the mornings...yikes!!!)
She is dealing with so much, supporting her entire family, step kids who i know she loves with all her heart, but who present her with so many challenges, i know she stresses about, I cant even imagine what she goes through daily. She has a beautiful boy, who holds all her hopes and dreams, he is a very special little smart, so handsome and loves his mommy with all that he is.
we were talking yesterday, and realized we have been friends for 25 strange to have a friend that long...and not feel old enough to have a friend that long...
so once i get everyone packed and i go tomorrow morning...(again with the mornings...yikes!!!)
Ok, oh was meeting good friend Lisa, describes me at these meetings as the "red headed step child" which is soooooo true. I just wish when i spoke, i was heard...I know i need to do something about it, but what? I'm not one of those "arguers" (ok, im not a speller either), just go with the flow and blog about it later....
Lisa listens and backs me up, which is the best feeling in the world...but, i keep wondering, why am i actually there...
This one has me puzzled...I dont want to get too specific, but I wonder am i wasting my time...there seems to be so many agendas except the one in which we are there for, just for the record though, there are a few that are there for the right reasons...but this seems to get overshadowed by the other agendas...
oh well, i dont know even how to put it into words, I'll just leave this one as one of those things that might never be solved...
Lisa listens and backs me up, which is the best feeling in the world...but, i keep wondering, why am i actually there...
This one has me puzzled...I dont want to get too specific, but I wonder am i wasting my time...there seems to be so many agendas except the one in which we are there for, just for the record though, there are a few that are there for the right reasons...but this seems to get overshadowed by the other agendas...
oh well, i dont know even how to put it into words, I'll just leave this one as one of those things that might never be solved...
Mornings....and Memories
ok, I would like to know who decided school had to start so early??? i AM NOT a morning person!!! Wouldnt it be nice to get up around 9ish, have a nice leisurly breakfast, then get the kids ready for school? Let's face it, people are more awake and more productive later in the day, am i right? or it is just me???? I always tell people, that i get more done after 10pm than the army gets done before 6am (or whatever that slogan was). LOL
It's 7:45am now and i'm still in that wake up daze...(you know eyes half closed, my brain still on auto pilot and still thinking my bed might still be warm...i could just crawl in for another hour or so...) The kids are off to school, husband is off to work and i am sitting here nursing my 2nd cup of coffee...
Yesterday, I decided to pick up my youngest "Scoot" because she HATES riding the bus alone, the older two had activities after school, so I waited in the mess of traffic and parked cars to try to get a space...had to park a block away, but I was given 20 minutes of personal time, which i take whenever i can get it...i continued reading my book in total silence...I never used to care about "alone" time, that is, until i had kids...I wouldnt trade them for anything in the world...but that quiet time is so peaceful.
By the way...I recommend the book i'm reading "The Sunday List of Dreams" by Kris Radish...I stumbled upon her first book "Annie B Freeman's Fablous traveling funeral", at Borders one sunday afternoon while i was waiting for something i dont even remember. But it is how I hope to leave this world...check it out! It is so wonderful...I hope to have 5 friends like Annie did...and the funds to plan her own traveling funeral, One day, many many moons from now...:)
Other's by Radish are: "Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn" and "the Elegant gathering of the white snows" They are wonderful should check them out.
Anyway, back to the pickup at school..I read for a little while and then walked to the front of the school to wait for my dear daughter...she didnt come out with the masses at first, so i began to wonder where she might be, and as i entered the school, i looked down the hall and it was like one of those hallmark card moments, when the two make eye contact and run into each others arms...she ran to me, jumped up and as loud as she could..."I got green mama!!!!!!!!" Talk about!!! I felt like the world could end right then and i would go happy :)
To explain, her teacher (who is INCREDIBLE) has in place a stop light behavior chart, with green (good), yellow (uh oh), orange (OOPS, i did it again) and red (march your happy butt to the principal's office) or at least that's my description. It is a good system, except for gabbers like Scoot and myself. (on a personal note, I was always in the hallway, missing recess, whatever because i could not keep my mouth shut...) and my daughter, as i said before, is me in how I could i expect anything less:) in the grand scheme of things...she'll be fine...right now, it's just something she needs to keep working on...
Anyway, when she gets a green, we are thrilled!!! and to add to the exictement, she passed her timed math facts test that she had been struggling with, SOOOOOO....we of course have to celebrate in an inexpensive but meaningful way...we had about 45 minutes until the next child needed to be picked up, so we headed to Walmart (we actually call it "evil mart" but anyway......she was allowed to pick out one thing (small) so she choose, some sour spray (i completely dont get this one...but the kids love it...) and of course, i was so thrilled with her successes, i gave in and made it TWO THINGS, (whatever, so sue me) and some tatoo gum that turns your entire mouth bright blue...(hey, whatever trips your trigger), anyway, then we headed to the dollar store..I must say, I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! ok, so most of it is junk, but it saves my wallet and make the kid what the heck! We looked around "window shopped" and ran across the MOST INCREDIBLE TOY IN THE WORLD...ok, according to me...but i loved it. Do you rememebr the toy that had the metal bars evenly spaced hooked to a handle and the magnetic wheel that if you moved it forward and back it seemed to float on the wire? anyway, being little, she had never seen of course we had to get it...ok it was only $2 and came with candy...what a deal right? this was the dollar store's version of the old had a bunny instead of a wheel, but whatever. Anyway, By the time we pick up the rest of the family, its a mad dash to see who gets it first...a simple $2 toy brought so much fun to a household for one evening. It's the simple things right?
A wonderful evening...and all for $3.95! Something to be said for simplicity!
It's 7:45am now and i'm still in that wake up daze...(you know eyes half closed, my brain still on auto pilot and still thinking my bed might still be warm...i could just crawl in for another hour or so...) The kids are off to school, husband is off to work and i am sitting here nursing my 2nd cup of coffee...
Yesterday, I decided to pick up my youngest "Scoot" because she HATES riding the bus alone, the older two had activities after school, so I waited in the mess of traffic and parked cars to try to get a space...had to park a block away, but I was given 20 minutes of personal time, which i take whenever i can get it...i continued reading my book in total silence...I never used to care about "alone" time, that is, until i had kids...I wouldnt trade them for anything in the world...but that quiet time is so peaceful.
By the way...I recommend the book i'm reading "The Sunday List of Dreams" by Kris Radish...I stumbled upon her first book "Annie B Freeman's Fablous traveling funeral", at Borders one sunday afternoon while i was waiting for something i dont even remember. But it is how I hope to leave this world...check it out! It is so wonderful...I hope to have 5 friends like Annie did...and the funds to plan her own traveling funeral, One day, many many moons from now...:)
Other's by Radish are: "Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn" and "the Elegant gathering of the white snows" They are wonderful should check them out.
Anyway, back to the pickup at school..I read for a little while and then walked to the front of the school to wait for my dear daughter...she didnt come out with the masses at first, so i began to wonder where she might be, and as i entered the school, i looked down the hall and it was like one of those hallmark card moments, when the two make eye contact and run into each others arms...she ran to me, jumped up and as loud as she could..."I got green mama!!!!!!!!" Talk about!!! I felt like the world could end right then and i would go happy :)
To explain, her teacher (who is INCREDIBLE) has in place a stop light behavior chart, with green (good), yellow (uh oh), orange (OOPS, i did it again) and red (march your happy butt to the principal's office) or at least that's my description. It is a good system, except for gabbers like Scoot and myself. (on a personal note, I was always in the hallway, missing recess, whatever because i could not keep my mouth shut...) and my daughter, as i said before, is me in how I could i expect anything less:) in the grand scheme of things...she'll be fine...right now, it's just something she needs to keep working on...
Anyway, when she gets a green, we are thrilled!!! and to add to the exictement, she passed her timed math facts test that she had been struggling with, SOOOOOO....we of course have to celebrate in an inexpensive but meaningful way...we had about 45 minutes until the next child needed to be picked up, so we headed to Walmart (we actually call it "evil mart" but anyway......she was allowed to pick out one thing (small) so she choose, some sour spray (i completely dont get this one...but the kids love it...) and of course, i was so thrilled with her successes, i gave in and made it TWO THINGS, (whatever, so sue me) and some tatoo gum that turns your entire mouth bright blue...(hey, whatever trips your trigger), anyway, then we headed to the dollar store..I must say, I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! ok, so most of it is junk, but it saves my wallet and make the kid what the heck! We looked around "window shopped" and ran across the MOST INCREDIBLE TOY IN THE WORLD...ok, according to me...but i loved it. Do you rememebr the toy that had the metal bars evenly spaced hooked to a handle and the magnetic wheel that if you moved it forward and back it seemed to float on the wire? anyway, being little, she had never seen of course we had to get it...ok it was only $2 and came with candy...what a deal right? this was the dollar store's version of the old had a bunny instead of a wheel, but whatever. Anyway, By the time we pick up the rest of the family, its a mad dash to see who gets it first...a simple $2 toy brought so much fun to a household for one evening. It's the simple things right?
A wonderful evening...and all for $3.95! Something to be said for simplicity!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
I must be one of the most vain people in the world when it comes to my hair...I am overweight right not the best dressed, but when it comes to my hair...I must have it just right...ok, most of the time...anyway............
On my 40th birthday, that passed quietly, unfortunately...even my parents forgot..(another subject entirely and another blog) But on my birthday...i ran my fingers throught my hair to reveal that the roots of my current color (yes, i said current - it changes frequently) was GREY!!!!!!!!!!! You see, On the day my son was born, I did the same, and that is when it first reared its ugly grey head...) To further explain...i dont get grey here and there like most people, I HAVE A SKUNK STRIPE right down the middle of my head! Yes, right down the middle of my beautiful 150$ color...(still cant figure that one out, but that's another blog entirely)...
so i run to the store, cant stand having that much grey showing...grab the color of the month, and so i'm in the bathroom coloring over that nasty grey, and my tman walks in and just stands there...the bathroom is stinking to high heaven, and i'm rubber gloved and trying desperately to reach the back of my head...looking atrocious I'm sure...and I ask (rather rudely I'm ashamed to admit) "may i help you" and he says, "no, i didnt need anything, just wondered why you were doing that?" I went on to explain that the grey had appeared AGAIN..(my family knows very well my battle with the "grey") and my precious boy said...I dont know why your doing that always look great to me!"
He is such a wonderful boy...
My husband tends to chalk up this attitude he has, to "eddie haskal" syndrome, for those of you who are too young to remember Leave it to Beaver, eddie was the constant suck up to mrs. kleaver...but the best thing is, i truly believe he means every word...
Ok so the funny is:
so i go to give him a hug...and he backs up, and look great mom, but could you hug me when you dont stink!
out of the mouths of babes!!!
On my 40th birthday, that passed quietly, unfortunately...even my parents forgot..(another subject entirely and another blog) But on my birthday...i ran my fingers throught my hair to reveal that the roots of my current color (yes, i said current - it changes frequently) was GREY!!!!!!!!!!! You see, On the day my son was born, I did the same, and that is when it first reared its ugly grey head...) To further explain...i dont get grey here and there like most people, I HAVE A SKUNK STRIPE right down the middle of my head! Yes, right down the middle of my beautiful 150$ color...(still cant figure that one out, but that's another blog entirely)...
so i run to the store, cant stand having that much grey showing...grab the color of the month, and so i'm in the bathroom coloring over that nasty grey, and my tman walks in and just stands there...the bathroom is stinking to high heaven, and i'm rubber gloved and trying desperately to reach the back of my head...looking atrocious I'm sure...and I ask (rather rudely I'm ashamed to admit) "may i help you" and he says, "no, i didnt need anything, just wondered why you were doing that?" I went on to explain that the grey had appeared AGAIN..(my family knows very well my battle with the "grey") and my precious boy said...I dont know why your doing that always look great to me!"
He is such a wonderful boy...
My husband tends to chalk up this attitude he has, to "eddie haskal" syndrome, for those of you who are too young to remember Leave it to Beaver, eddie was the constant suck up to mrs. kleaver...but the best thing is, i truly believe he means every word...
Ok so the funny is:
so i go to give him a hug...and he backs up, and look great mom, but could you hug me when you dont stink!
out of the mouths of babes!!!
Where do i start!!! my wonderful friend Lisa, (without whom I would have never started this blog...) had read my myspace be honest, i wasnt sure what a blog even was until now...but I have always meant to start journaling, yet, like most ambitions i have had...didnt come to pass. But with Lisa's encouragement, Here I what???
Well, the blogs below were written in the last few weeks, so i didnt want to leave them out.
Ok, back to Lisa for a moment...since living in this "hog wild" town, i have never met anyone i had more in common with, or should i say someone who liked me just for me...a very cool concept...she never judges me, she never puts me down, and always...and I mean ALWAYS makes me smile or laugh!!! Which is something i havent done in a long time...and i'm not sure why...
First, I must say I have three wonderful reasons to smile and laugh, and they keep me sane...or at least as sane as i will ever be.
My first born, the child I prayed so hard for, and so long for, My beautiful Mads, a teenager now. She has a quiet beauty..intelligence, kindness, a love for the Lord like i've never seen in someone so young...I wish the world for her...but I wonder at times...what am i teaching her...I hope all the right things...
My Tman...years ago, i dreamed of having a blonde blue eyed boy...and God surely answered that prayer...He is my sweetheart...still hugs me whereever, whenever, and still gives me a kiss, even in front of his friends!!! He is my little man, who keeps growning right before my Lisa mentioned, I cant believe I will only have him with me for 8 more years...this young man is destined to go places...I cant wait to see what God has in store for him!
My Scoot...there is something about the third child that I cant quite define...I love them all with all my heart...but God showed his sense of humor when he created Scoot...she is me! For real...looks exactly like me, acts like i did when i was her age, everything! She is stubborn like me too, which drives us both crazy...:) almost 8 years old and going on 18 if she had her way...Look out world, here comes Scoot!
I've been married (to quote one of my favorite authors, Jill Savage) 19 years, with so far 1 of them happy...that is a horrible thing to say, and i wouldnt blog it if it was a marriage is an ongoing work in progress...only God knows what it will end up to be... in Sept it will be 20 years married, and 25 together...over half of my life...
I live in a beautiful farmhouse, just outside of our booming metropolis...ok, town...village, who knows what i should call it...but it's home, at least it has been for the last 22 years.
I have always been one to want something better, more. I always was told this was a good thing, by my mom who said why settle when you can dream...but i look at where my life is right at this moment, and I have come to realize that contentment is something I long to have. I know that is quite the opposite of what i was taught. But that is what i pray for, long for, and dream of. Simple contentment.
ok, so there is my life in a nutshell. At least that's all I'm prepared to write about right now...
Past blogs:
I seem to be driving myself crazy, trying to figure out how to balance everything…the kids activities, my activities, family activities, church activities…and never having enough money…
You know how I worry about having enough Lord,
I know you are always watching over us, Lord making sure we have everything we NEED, but what do I do as a mom about all the WANTS….There never seems to be enough money…what am I doing wrong?
I know in my soul that you have a plan for us Lord,
Proverbs 19:21 (Whole Chapter) Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
you have everything planned for us…but how do I get passed this madness, the running in so many different directions when I only want to run to you…I feel like the lost sheep…
Luke 15:4 (Whole Chapter) "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
I know you will always find me Lord, but I just want to stop all this madness, all this and let you lead me Lord…
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
job interview
ok, so I'm getting ready to go on yet another job interview...there was a time that all i had to do was show up and chat a little, and i had the job...(i'm not bragging...just how it was) now however, i cant seem to go on enough goes well, then the letter or the phone call, sorry...but...
i'm not sure what's feels like i've lost that "whatever" i had...that helped me get a job...I feel like i'm letting my family down, myself down...i feel like that lost soul that just is here to wander....
I am determined! I will do all in my power to get this job...and if it is not in God's plan...then i will do my best to be content and continue to move forward...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I’m what
Wow...40! It used to seem like all those people who were, old...
But the cool thing is, I dont feel any different...
I do however feel stuck in a rut...encouraging all I meet to live their what makes them happy...but sadly, I dont know what that is for me...
How does one figure that motto used to be "go for it", but when you mature, you realize you cant always do that...even though you desperately want to...
Lately, it seems the only goal I have is to keep my head above water, financially...make my family happy...but without cash, how do you do that?? I know, I isnt everything, but I always wonder, if a rich person said that?lol
I have all these dreams to improve our lives, but cant seem to get the door open to begin living's like the door is locked and i dont have the right key...
Maybe I was just meant to be in this holding pattern...I just cant quite make myself believe that...
so who knows, other than God, what is in store...I will just keep trying to be patient (not a strong suit for me); and wait to see what he has in mind for this restless soul...
Well, the blogs below were written in the last few weeks, so i didnt want to leave them out.
Ok, back to Lisa for a moment...since living in this "hog wild" town, i have never met anyone i had more in common with, or should i say someone who liked me just for me...a very cool concept...she never judges me, she never puts me down, and always...and I mean ALWAYS makes me smile or laugh!!! Which is something i havent done in a long time...and i'm not sure why...
First, I must say I have three wonderful reasons to smile and laugh, and they keep me sane...or at least as sane as i will ever be.
My first born, the child I prayed so hard for, and so long for, My beautiful Mads, a teenager now. She has a quiet beauty..intelligence, kindness, a love for the Lord like i've never seen in someone so young...I wish the world for her...but I wonder at times...what am i teaching her...I hope all the right things...
My Tman...years ago, i dreamed of having a blonde blue eyed boy...and God surely answered that prayer...He is my sweetheart...still hugs me whereever, whenever, and still gives me a kiss, even in front of his friends!!! He is my little man, who keeps growning right before my Lisa mentioned, I cant believe I will only have him with me for 8 more years...this young man is destined to go places...I cant wait to see what God has in store for him!
My Scoot...there is something about the third child that I cant quite define...I love them all with all my heart...but God showed his sense of humor when he created Scoot...she is me! For real...looks exactly like me, acts like i did when i was her age, everything! She is stubborn like me too, which drives us both crazy...:) almost 8 years old and going on 18 if she had her way...Look out world, here comes Scoot!
I've been married (to quote one of my favorite authors, Jill Savage) 19 years, with so far 1 of them happy...that is a horrible thing to say, and i wouldnt blog it if it was a marriage is an ongoing work in progress...only God knows what it will end up to be... in Sept it will be 20 years married, and 25 together...over half of my life...
I live in a beautiful farmhouse, just outside of our booming metropolis...ok, town...village, who knows what i should call it...but it's home, at least it has been for the last 22 years.
I have always been one to want something better, more. I always was told this was a good thing, by my mom who said why settle when you can dream...but i look at where my life is right at this moment, and I have come to realize that contentment is something I long to have. I know that is quite the opposite of what i was taught. But that is what i pray for, long for, and dream of. Simple contentment.
ok, so there is my life in a nutshell. At least that's all I'm prepared to write about right now...
Past blogs:
I seem to be driving myself crazy, trying to figure out how to balance everything…the kids activities, my activities, family activities, church activities…and never having enough money…
You know how I worry about having enough Lord,
I know you are always watching over us, Lord making sure we have everything we NEED, but what do I do as a mom about all the WANTS….There never seems to be enough money…what am I doing wrong?
I know in my soul that you have a plan for us Lord,
Proverbs 19:21 (Whole Chapter) Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
you have everything planned for us…but how do I get passed this madness, the running in so many different directions when I only want to run to you…I feel like the lost sheep…
Luke 15:4 (Whole Chapter) "Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Does he not leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?
I know you will always find me Lord, but I just want to stop all this madness, all this and let you lead me Lord…
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
job interview
ok, so I'm getting ready to go on yet another job interview...there was a time that all i had to do was show up and chat a little, and i had the job...(i'm not bragging...just how it was) now however, i cant seem to go on enough goes well, then the letter or the phone call, sorry...but...
i'm not sure what's feels like i've lost that "whatever" i had...that helped me get a job...I feel like i'm letting my family down, myself down...i feel like that lost soul that just is here to wander....
I am determined! I will do all in my power to get this job...and if it is not in God's plan...then i will do my best to be content and continue to move forward...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I’m what
Wow...40! It used to seem like all those people who were, old...
But the cool thing is, I dont feel any different...
I do however feel stuck in a rut...encouraging all I meet to live their what makes them happy...but sadly, I dont know what that is for me...
How does one figure that motto used to be "go for it", but when you mature, you realize you cant always do that...even though you desperately want to...
Lately, it seems the only goal I have is to keep my head above water, financially...make my family happy...but without cash, how do you do that?? I know, I isnt everything, but I always wonder, if a rich person said that?lol
I have all these dreams to improve our lives, but cant seem to get the door open to begin living's like the door is locked and i dont have the right key...
Maybe I was just meant to be in this holding pattern...I just cant quite make myself believe that...
so who knows, other than God, what is in store...I will just keep trying to be patient (not a strong suit for me); and wait to see what he has in mind for this restless soul...
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